The Blog: Real Raw Moments
Posts tagged with zara-man
Anthony // Silverlake
2018-05-07 22:59:00 UTCSo fun to work with Anthony again! He wanted to shoot at the Bates Motel, which turned out pretty cool even though we couldn’t get in. He pulled together some awesome looks again! Enjoy!!
Andrew // LA Models San Clemente
2018-04-19 16:00:00 UTCAndrew of LA Models came up from San Diego to San Clemente for a fun little shoot! It was too fun and the light was awesome. He had some of the best outfits as well. We walked along the pier, the beach and then around the neighborhoods. Enjoy!
Dre // Bella LA
2018-04-12 16:00:00 UTCI love working with people like Dre who are so happy with the final product, but also don’t waste your time excessively shooting. We shot for maybe 45 minutes (including wardrobe changes). He was so easy to work with, knew what he wanted, but also took direction well and was…
Derek // Ford Los Angeles
2017-04-03 03:53:26 UTCI absolutely LOVED working with Derek Jaeschke of Ford Models styled by Jax De Armas. We shot at Jax’s brother’s motorcycle shop. It was a killer shoot and looking back on the shots, I couldn’t be more stoked on them! Enjoy!
Dean + Sonny // Two Management
2017-03-22 01:28:26 UTCIt’s always such a pleasure working with Sonny Henty, so I was extra stoked when he mentioned his friend Dean was in town and was up for a shoot. We met up in the arts district with Jax De Armas as stylist and had a blast wandering around. They were…
Bryce // Dragonfly Dallas
2016-09-21 02:30:09 UTCBryce of Dragonfly Dallas drove all the way from Houston just to shoot with me and Sally Atkinson! Talk about a rad dude who is so humble, kind and all American. I had a blast working with him and then getting tacos after - obviously!! Enjoy the shots!
Pink Make ‘Em Wink
2015-10-12 00:21:00 UTCModel: Diego Barrueco ℅ Two Management Stylist: Brandon Win Photographer: Kara Nixon All right, all right ladies and gents… The moment you’ve been waiting for. THE BLOG POST of Diego Barrueco. If you haven’t seen why it took me so long to post this… Make sure you check out Caleo…
Jesse // Osbrink Models
2015-06-01 19:50:39 UTCModel: Jesse ℅ Osbrink Stylist + Photographer: Kara Nixon Jesse and I have been talking about shooting for a while. We ran into each other randomly in Venice Beach and I kept apologizing for taking so long to get back to him. Fast forward a couple months and we still…
Jacob // Wilhelmina LA
2015-04-16 03:19:00 UTCModel: Jacob ℅ Wilhelmina LA Photographer & Stylist: Kara Nixon
Cody // PYD
2015-03-14 17:58:00 UTCModel: Cody of PYD MM Styling: Combined efforts of Cody + Kara with Lucky & Zara Man Photographer: Kara Nixon C O D Y // I had the pleasure of working with Cody while he was in town. It was a long time coming and I am so glad we…